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4.5 ( 3065 ratings )
Verktyg Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Gregor Janhuba
0.99 USD

! ! ! N O T E ! ! !
It is recommended to download the application with name "Aviation Tools". Especially if you have an iPad as well (Wx Decoder is an iPhone app only).
Plus "Aviation Tools" will be updated more frequently.

"Wx Decoder" is a fast and simple application - very suitable for quick access - just what you need in aviation world.

App has:
- Wx Decoder: an Aviation Weather Decoder for Weather Phenomena Codes found in METARs
- SNOWTAM decoder (for 8 digits METAR codes)
- National Registrations: Rarely found decoder for aircrafts national registrations
- Rules of Thumb: for quick and easy recalculations in aviation world